BOOKS REVIEWS > Pathway to God


PATHWAY TO GOD : M. K. Gandhi, Compiled by M. S. Deshpande


Published by : Navajivan Publishing House, Ahmedabad, India


Pages : 74 + 16


Price : INR 15/-



About the Book:

May this book “Pathway to God” inspire young men throughout the world to lead the life practiced and preached by Gandhi, so that our “Light of India” might soon become the “Light of the World”.

[From the preface by the compiler, M. S. Despande]


The extracts from Gandhi’s speeches and writings that shri M. S. Despande had collected with such diligence and dedication will help young people in India and elsewhere to find the ballast that will give steadiness to their lives and a purpose which will make it a Pathway to God. I have pleasure in commending this voice of Gandhi to the youth of India.

[From the Foreword by V. K. R. V. RAO]