NATURE CURE : M. K. Gandhi, Edited by Bharatan Kumarappa


Published by : Navajivan Publishing House, Ahmedabad, India


Pages : 73


Price : Rs. 6/-



About the Book:

Nature cure is considered to be the best kind of treatment. It is nature only that heals all diseases. Nature cure is scientific, and economical to suffering humanity.

This book contains a valuable collection of Gandhi’s thoughts on nature cure an is indieed as rich in its information as it is constructive in its outlook. Gandhi had a passion to tend to the sick and serve the poor. He valued life close to nature for its simplicity and evolved and practiced simple rules of health. He had almost a religious faith in vegetarianism which let him to carry out dietetic reform based on results obtained from personal experiments.

Gandhi believed firmly that the human body, mind and spirit could be maintained in a state of perfect health by observance of simple rules. He attempted to discover causes of ordinary ill health and improvised simple remedies of nature cure. This book has a valuable collection of Gandhi’s thoughts on nature cure.

Gandhi was convinced that for good health all that was necessary was to live according to the laws of Nature in regard to diet, fresh air, exercise clean surroundings and a pure heart. This book includes extracts from Gandhi’s weeklies, Young India and Harijan and some from his books; Hind Swaraj, Autobiography and Key to Health written in jail during 1942 - 1944. It includes nature cure experiments, and Ramanama.

Nature cure makes possible the beginning of a way of life in which there is no room for illness or disease. The book recommends a serious study by all those who are interested in the cure of ailments through natural remedies and is recommend by the author.