
Some men changed their times...
One man changed the World for all times!

Comprehensive Website on the life and works of

Mahatma Gandhi


Non-English words with meaning

Akash (aakaasha) : sky; ether

Ayurveda (aayurveda) : the science of Hindu medicine

Bhajan (bhajana) : a religious song

Brahmacharya : continence

Chopai (chopai) : a quatrain

Dharalas (dhaaraalaas) : a criminal tribe of Gujarat

Diwali (divaalee) : a Hindu festival of illuminations

Doha (dohaa) : a couplet

Dwadasha Mantra (dwaadasha mantra) : a sacred incantation of twelve letters

Gajendra : a master elephant

Graha (graaha) : an alligator

Hakim (hakeema) : a physician

Haveli (havelee) : a Vaishnava temple

Jantar Mantar : charms

Japa : repetition of a sacred name

Kalma (kalamaa) : a Muslim formula of prayer or incantation

Krishna : a Hindu man-god

Mahadeva (mahaadeva) : a Hindu god

Mantra : a sacred incantation for repetition or meditation

Pancha Mahabhutas (pancha mahaabhootas) : five elements

Pooja (poojaa) : worship

Rama (raama) : the hero of the Ramayana : God

Ramabana (raamabaana) : an arrow of Rama; an infallible cure

Shloka : a verse

Sthitapragnya : a steadfast man

Tejas : energizing principle

Upanishad : a Hindu philosophical book of old

Vaidya : a physician

Vaishnava : a worshipper of Vishnu