
Some men changed their times...
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Comprehensive Website on the life and works of

Mahatma Gandhi


48. The Independence

Dadabhai Navaroji, the grandfather of Hind (India), uttered the 'mantra' of independence for us.

Lokmanya Tilak spread it among the people. Gandhiji lit the fire for independence and spread it among the households of India.

The grandfather had read a lot of books. He had learned that hunger was the most deadly diseases of all.

Lokmanya Tilak served six years' sentence and found out that getting independence could only satisfy hunger.

Gandhiji worked hard to teach us many other things. Such as, "This disease can only be cured by independence. We can become independent only by weaving Khadi on our own and by being self sufficient."

Don't think that only warriors can fight for liberty. A child can also fight for this cause. If you wish to fight, get ready and be a part of it.

Give up wearing imported clothes. Start wearing Khadi instead.

Spin yarn everyday for your nation. Don't learn things, which would teach you to be slaves. Instead, learn to be patriots!

Learn well your mother tongue and the national language. Don't learn English only. It would be like getting nourished by stepmother.

"Hindustan" is made of thousands of poor, penniless villages. So, be affectionate to them. Go and live with the villagers. Use the things produced by them and be proud of it.

Love the Harijan children and let them sit beside you in the schools. If we want to enjoy freedom, we must get liberated from our own traditions. Give them 'Swaraj' first.