
Some men changed their times...
One man changed the World for all times!

Comprehensive Website on the life and works of

Mahatma Gandhi



This book is for children. But I am sure that many grown-ups will read it with pleasure and profit.

Already Gandhiji has become a legend. Those who have not seen him, especially the children of today, must think of him as a very unusual person, a superman who performed great deeds. It is desirable, therefore, for the common aspects of his life to be placed before them, as is done by this book.

It is extraordinary how in many things he took interest and when he took interest, he did so thoroughly. It was not superficial interest. It was perhaps his thoroughness in dealing with what are considered to be the small things of life which emphasized his humanism. That was the basis of his character.

I am glad that this book has been written telling us of how Gandhiji functioned in a variety of ways, quite a part from politics and the public scene . It will perhaps give us a greater insight into him.

Jawaharlal Nehru
New Delhi, 10th March, 1964.