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BOOKS REVIEWS > Diet & Diet Reform
DIET & DIET REFORM : M. K. Gandhi, Edited by Bharatan Kumarappa
Published by : Navajivan Publishing House, Ahmedabad, India
Pages : 45
Price : Rs. 30/-
ISBN 81-7229-062-4

About the Book:
Health is undoubtedly of supreme importance to man, for without it it is not possible for the average individual to develop in mind or spirit. And just as bodily health is essential for mental and spiritual development, even so nourishing food is essential for bodily health. Unless the body gets from food all that it requires to keep it in a fit condition, it will suffer from disease, prevent the individual from functioning to his full capacity and cause early death. So it is most necessary that we should become diet-conscious and should concern ourselves with feeding the body with the kind of food it requires. Gandhiji's interest in food arises partly from his concern for those around him. The aim of this book is to bring together gandhiji's writings on the subject in his weeklies, the young india and the harijan.
As Gandhiji himself could not give exclusive attention to a study of this subject, he obtained the help of experts in the field. Their opinion and the writings of others interested in the topic were published in the harijan.
Gandhiji's writings are included in part i of this book, and those of others in part ii. For the convenience of the reader the matters has been arranged topically. "as a searcher for truth i deem it necessary to find the perfect food for a man to keep body, mind and soul in a sound condition ." gandhiji's dietetic experiments were conducted with a view to finding out the most wholesome food and the wisest way of preparing it, all the time keeping in mind the poverty of our people and their slender resources. This book brings together his writings on this subject.